8 April 2016: “Dear Native Woods Preservation Ltd. Yesterday I riceived documentation of Lairdschip Portfolio. I’m happy to partecipate in the Vs. environmental iniziative.” (Lord Roberto, Italy)
16 February 2016: “Just a quick note to tell you I did receive (and offer) the 2 separate titles, and my friends were ecstatics Thanx for all.” (Olger, France)
5 February 2016: “I have received all my on schedule and was truly a first class service. I appreciate your attention to me and I thank all of its services. I wish success and global reach to support our reservation and the Beautiful Scotland. Thanked” (Lord Osvaldo Y. Crespo Hernandez)
28 January 2016: “Je suis très heureux d’avoir bien reçu mes documents et de faire désormais parti de la famille ! De plus je suis ravi de pouvoir participer à la préservation de la belle forêt de Blackwood.” (Gauderie René, Mauritius)
19 January 2016: “Ravi de vous aider pour la conservation de Blackwood. Je ne connais pas votre pays mais j’y viendrai peut être un jour. Vive l’Écosse et son peuple Dominique” (Dominique, France)
17 January 2016: “Je compte parler de vous à des amis qui, je l’espère, feront la même démarche que moi. Il ne me reste plus qu’à recevoir les divers documents de votre part pour montrer tout cela à mes amis qui seront sûrement jaloux. A très bientôt.” (Didier, France)
17 January 2016: “Je connais très bien l’Ecosse je suis très heureux de pouvoir préserver la nature.. Vive l’Ecosse .” (Alexandre, France)
7 January 2016: “I am very happy to purchase it! I love Scotland and this title makes me feel a bit ‘Scottish. thanks and congratulations for what you do!” (Lord Fabio, Italy)
5 January 2016: “Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. After receiving my packet I felt closer to my past relatives than ever. You see, I have a unique connection to Blackwood. Going back 16 generations, I am related to Thomas Weir, 4th Laird of Blackwood through the Hamiltons and Reynolds. So it’s my honor to be a part of preserving this beautiful land and hope one day to visit. I’ll be making the same purchase for my children in the near future. Thank you” (Bradford E.L. Heath, USA)
30 December 2015: “My son, Irvin, gave me this wonderful Christmas gift and I deeply thanks him to give me the chance to become a Laird of Blackwood. Now, I have to come to Scotland to see my land. Thank you for making me feel Scottish today !” (Bernard Pallardy)