4 April 2014: “Je suis si fière d’être propriétaire d’un petit coin de cette magnifique terre écossaise et d’être devenue “Lady of Blackwood”! Je saurai tenir mon rang!
Et quelles grandiose idée et belle initiative pour protéger cette région si pleine d’Histoire!
Bravo!” (Lady Frédérique from France)
22 March 2014: “Just received our documents yesterday and so pleased about the excellent service you have provided. Thank you so much! (Lady Gerliza, United Kingdom)
19 March 2014: “I received my title and i just whant to say, thank you!” (Lord Maxime, France)
16 March 2014: “j’ai été séduit par vos actions pour la préservations des terres. J’ai donc passé une première commande pour faire un don, et ainsi recevoir le contenu exclusif. Je vous soutiens dans votre cause et je vous en souhaite bon courage.” (Lord Maxime, France)
9 March 2014: “It’s an honor to hold the same title once held by my ancestor.” (Lord Robb, USA)
4 March 2014: “delighted…..have already been to the Picture Framers….they will look great on my study wall!….many thanks!” (Dave, South Africa)
3 March 2014: “I have just received this morning. What you do is an exellent idea, and you have my full supports to help protect this magnificent Scottish heritage.I hope to come and see these places myself one day” (Lord Paul, France)
24 February 2014: “really looking forward to receiving them!…..let’s hope that they arrive here unscathed…..I think that this concept of Native Woods to save the invironment is great!….may your group prosper and gain many more members!…. Thank You once again…. Be well” (Dave, South Africa)
22 February 2014: “This is perfect! I will recommend their services.” (The Much Honoured Lord Diego García Cardeña, laird of Blackwood)
14 February 2014: “Perfect!…..Thanks very much” (Dave, South Africa)
7 February 2014: “Thank you very much, come to me in record time, they’re true professionals, wish them well and of course they will recommend their services. Greetings from Spain” (Ruben, Spain)
3 February 2014: “will I be able to call myself Lady Christine of Blackwood? It sure does sound fancy, lol! Love the idea of purchasing a small patch of land and at the same time help to save the woods. Will be back later and purchase for my husband also.” (Lady Christine, Norway)